Monday, December 2, 2013

I have been kicking around the idea of self publishing Quickened, my first novel in the Master of Books series.  Looking at the pricing for Createspace and other packages I have mulled the idea of doing it myself.  Probably not the smartest maneuver but no one ever accused me of being smart.  I had a cover that was done by my very talented 16 yr old daughter, Jessica, but now with the book going to print I needed to modify it a bit.  Luckily I found a very talented graphics guru through my writing group who helped out.  This is a first draft of what he sent me.

I really love the background here.  The font effects were my own from the original cover but now with this new background I am going to change it.  I'll post an update when I have a final version.  Feel free to comment below your thoughts on this cover design.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I've been meaning to do this for quite some time.  I mean, what writer doesn't have a blog?  Up until now the answer was, ME!  I intend to use this medium to: talk about the writing process, update the progress of my current work in progress, interview other authors about their work and to just spout off in general when I need an outlet.  I hope fellow authors will find it informative if nothing more than a guide on what not to do.  I hope readers will find it fun and for those who are fans of my first novel, Quickened, this will be a good place to get updates on my progress and on any forthcoming news.  So buckle up, strap in, return your trays to their upright and locked positions, (insert several more cheesy cliches here)  and let's light this up!